PROBLEMS 275 107. FURTHER MATHEMATICAL QUESTION Harl. MS. 4254, fol. 5. In Pegu he [Christopher Hatton] was asked this Question or one of this nature. Suppose there be a Pole i o yards high, and a rat placed at the top of it descending f of a foot in f- of an houre, and a Cat at the bottom which ascends f of a foot in -f- of an houre, Question, how long they will be in meeting and in what place of the Pole they will meete. 108. HINDOOS WORLD AGE Harl. MS. 4254, fol. 5a. In their Almanack3 which is written in a Language called Sinscreet, they say the world is 3892771 yeares old to the yeare 1670. 109. SNICRAN [VIKRAMA], SAMBUT [SAMBAT] ACCOUNTS Harl. MS. 4254, fol. 32. The Hindoos say That their old Account was called the Snicran Account, in which were 365^ dayes in every yeare, and that yeare begins when ours doth (vizt.} upon new years day. There was a Rojah coalled [sic, called] Bear becramogee which lived 1728 yeares since, and then altered the former Account of the yeare and placed in it 360 days, And called it Sumbut, being of his owne calculateing.